interest free economy

Islam in its own way considers distribution of wealth as a problem of economy, and the follower of islam do not share the  of capitalists and communists with production. Its reason is In islamic teaching there isdifference between necessity and luxurious need, scarcity of resources is not considered. 
What ever resources exist on land is enough to full fill the basic need of human. What is basic need is Home to live, clothes to wear, and some to eate to the population. 
This man made laws and concept is against reality and brought about poverty and economic backwordness. 
In history during the era of Umar bin Khattab,  the whole Africa feeded by Nigeria alone.
The third world, First world distribution in reality considered as conspiracy who basically fail to know that the thirth world countries are actually economically in first category as the have major resources.
Mecy International and UNICEF like organizations as claim humanatarian aid used to gobble up resources of the world and the capitalist mechanism to work. Islamic economic system can be helpful to eliminate so called elite control over the wealth of the world in few hands by making self made policies to the whole population of the world. 
Islam do not prohibit to have wealth of any amount to any person, but it should be based on intensive to work. The man made ideology has failed to study the nature and creation. But islamic way of economy is relevant to nature,  as based on the instructions of creator himself. Islamic way can produce a society which adress human need in the best correct way .
Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "The son of Adam, if he possess two valleys of gold, may wish for a third and would not be satisfied till he bites the dust."
Creating big amount of wealth ridding off restrictions and system that limits production,  Islam will protect against exploitation  in posessing wealth through contracting the ways in which wealth acquired.
It is why Islam not favours free market of capitalism that has created an unsafe economic situation of sirvive of the fittest. This free environment of world has bring about condition were the weath of the world is few hand of multinational organization. 
In islamic system natural God gifted and vital resources considered as the property of public,  every one has the to get benefit from it in a state weather they are follower of islam or not. As the prophet ﷺ of Islam in a hadith says "The humans have a right to three things - water, green pastures, and fire-based fuels (An-Naar)."
Public revenue which is obtained from natural resources like oil, gas, minirials should be used for the wellbeing of Ummah not for some individual or casino owners. The Islamic state is responsible to provide public wealth with out charging anything to facilitate every individual and family with in the state and the monopolies that multinational corporations maintain to dictate the lives of the people would dissipate.
The Islamic law has rules for company and its structure, strongly prohibiting corruption, monopoly by outlawing the hoarding of wealth (Al-Ihtikar), and discourage copyright or patency laws that would open the way of monopoly in society. Moreover Islamic law considers the ownership of businesses or a companies by limiting the to provider of capital and skills. thus effectively putting the seal on such concepts as "corporate takeover" from ever becoming a reality

Dr Zakir Naik Lecture on interest free economy Part one

The modern law and the stock market not offering such type of protection and permits outsider to secure any share of business or company imposing policy of corporation,  weather that individual have some effort. Now a days food producer and milk forms creating shortage of food and self made inflation by burning surplus food and dumping milk into the rivers,  that is major sin in Islam. 
Compare to now a days system which opens the door for any individual to access wealth through any means,  Islamic law provides a systematic procedure to obtain wealth as well as protects socity by cataforizing wealth and secures the needs of Ummah. 
Vital and natural wealth resorces are mandates by Islamic state as public property permits unlimited access to luxury items. As well as secures the nation in such a way that currupt self made procidure have neglected by introducing some needs as Prohibited needs. 
As well as Islam cares womens honor, Islam discourages pornography, prostitution,  and sextual harrasment , sextual bombarment that mis uses the beauty and charm of a women. 
Islam also prohibits alcoholism,  gambaling,  killing any organization derived from miss lead the capitalist in downword of curruption,  social problem and ethical downwordness.
The self made system is not looks based on justice by introducing minopolistic currency. In evrey land which holds natural resources have a right to have their own currency. Islamic state and its currency would exchange in any precious resorce like gold and silver etc. through have the value of real asset, Islam encourage to a souitable mediam of exchange discouraging the self made procidure to link currencies which permits the socity to manipulate currencies for monopolism over other nation and market. It is visibale to the world now evidant that the west have shown towords islamic financial system. 
Such a realistic approch of economic system as islamic economic system may solve all the economic problems which the world of today is facing,  and provide long awaited suitable solution. 
Islamic way of currency issuance by backing real resources instead of other currency like doller, can break the chain which is used as tool to shift wealth to other nation.
In addition Islamic system strongly prohibits,  corruption fraud and scame, which are now a days only shifting wealth from market to market,  from individual to individual and from corporation to corporation. which are basically based srtificial way to shift wealth,  it is nothing to do with real creation of wealth. 

Compare to Islamic way it is based on real investment,  and real transactions which can be implemented by a muslims in islamic aproch. Aqeeda on God not only solve the economic problems which rised because of riba and artificial assets based currencies. 
Muslims scholers around the world have to introduce the islamic economic system in their state which is helpful to solve all the economic problem,  unemployment,  distribution of wealth based on real efforts and real investment.  It is the safe way to make peace with in the country and worldwide and can be helpfull to eliminate poverty,  corruption and other economic crises. 

Dr Zakir Naik Lecture on interest free economy Part Two
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